PSYCH-K is a holistic, therapeutic approach that uses western and ancient philosophies and methods in its processes and balances (muscle testing, affirming techniques, acupressure points, and whole brain movements). With PSYCH-K changing beliefs are simple, painless and happens in minutes!


  • A non-invasive, interactive process of change.
  • A process of change that allows connection with the superconscious/higher self to establish if a specific change is in our best and highest interest in line with our soul’s purpose.
  • A simple, yet powerful process used to change limiting beliefs that are self-sabotaging into enhancing beliefs that are self-supporting.
  • A unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient.
  • Derived from scientific research in brain dominance theory as well as ancient mind/body wisdom.
  • A ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level.
  • A process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking.
  • Especially effective in the areas of behavioural/habit change, wellness and stress reduction.
  • Effective at increasing performance, whether at school, work or in the sport or performing arts arena.
60 minute sessions are recommended – £60
if the session runs over the time the client will be charged accordingly